The State Of Marketing
It seems that most companies still don't get it, particularly smaller and individually-owned companies. They either don't perceive the value of marketing or refuse to put their money in areas they don't understand. Even when the "true, real" value of advertising is explained, the vast majority will remain comfortably on the sidelines. Why?
If company A perceives that company B is doing little to promote its business, then company A will follow suit. It's always been a game of grab the elephant by the tail. The players may be different but their marketing sense is often faulty and self-destructive. Timid, fearful caution is not what this overly competitive world needs now.
If the business community had more of an aggressive mind-set, if it were more sophisticated and knowledgeable, then the advertising market would reflect those core values.
Unfortunately when there are ten similar businesses marketing themselves in exactly the same indistinguishable way, then what incentive is there for others to pull away from the crowd? There is, in fact, no impetus to raise themselves above the mundaneness of colored flyers, template websites and embarrassingly self-scripted and self-directed commercials. Consequently until all this unsophisticated mess and poor graphics go away, our markets will remain in a constant tailspin.
Clients must perceive value in how they spend money. They must recognize that those who advertise well are usually the better companies for it in the first place. They must understand that standing still means just that: never elevating oneself above mediocrity.
It's inconceivable how companies who can afford creative, memorable advertising continually revert to in-house graphics that can only reflect poorly upon themselves. For that reason it's always a delight, as well as a measure of marketing justice, when an organization takes its marketing by the reins and ups the standards for others around them. Only when more do the same, will we have a more enlightened public. This in turn will also lead to more demands for better goods and services.
I can only hope that that day is around the corner.
If company A perceives that company B is doing little to promote its business, then company A will follow suit. It's always been a game of grab the elephant by the tail. The players may be different but their marketing sense is often faulty and self-destructive. Timid, fearful caution is not what this overly competitive world needs now.
If the business community had more of an aggressive mind-set, if it were more sophisticated and knowledgeable, then the advertising market would reflect those core values.
Unfortunately when there are ten similar businesses marketing themselves in exactly the same indistinguishable way, then what incentive is there for others to pull away from the crowd? There is, in fact, no impetus to raise themselves above the mundaneness of colored flyers, template websites and embarrassingly self-scripted and self-directed commercials. Consequently until all this unsophisticated mess and poor graphics go away, our markets will remain in a constant tailspin.
Clients must perceive value in how they spend money. They must recognize that those who advertise well are usually the better companies for it in the first place. They must understand that standing still means just that: never elevating oneself above mediocrity.
It's inconceivable how companies who can afford creative, memorable advertising continually revert to in-house graphics that can only reflect poorly upon themselves. For that reason it's always a delight, as well as a measure of marketing justice, when an organization takes its marketing by the reins and ups the standards for others around them. Only when more do the same, will we have a more enlightened public. This in turn will also lead to more demands for better goods and services.
I can only hope that that day is around the corner.